Senior Prep Guide
Whether you wear your emotions on your face or you're a brick wall, we've done this long enough to know that about 99.9% percent of people that arrive to a photo shoot come as a nervous wreck. On the outside, you're hoping that your super cool outfit and smooth smile are hiding the fact that inside, you're thinking: I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING, WILL SHE TELL ME WHAT TO DO, I KNEW I SHOULD'VE PRACTICED IN FRONT OF THE MIRROR BEFORE I GOT HERE, WHAT IF I'M AWKWARD...
The list could go on for days. One of our favorite moments in every session is the response to the first thing we tell everyone: "You don't have to think AT ALL on this shoot. I will guide you on where to look, what to do, what expression to make, where to put your hands, EVERYTHING. If I see any loose hairs, wardrobe malfunction, ANYTHING, I will fix it all for you. I want everyone I shoot with to have fun and people can only do that if they don't have to think so LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!"
Here are some general planning tips to start thinking about as you begin preparing for your senior session.
What to Wear
Nude and appropriate undergarments - if you wear a strapless top or dress, be sure to bring a strapless bra option!
Clean shoes that go with each outfit
Complimentary layers
Outfits that make sense for the season
Functional clothing - if you want to get the most out of your poses, you need to be able to sit, squat, stand, etc.
A variety of outfits that show off your true personality - not ALL shorts, or dresses, or pants, etc. Mix it up!
Clothing that fits you well and accentuates your best assets - make sure to try every single piece of clothing on before bringing it to your session!
What NOT to Wear
Wrinkled clothing - make sure to iron or steam everything and bring it all on hangers
Undergarments that don't match or bra straps that show
Dirty or worn out shoes
Dresses, skirts or shorts that reveal too much when moving/posing
Tight or ill-fitted outfits that accentuate problem areas
Too many outfits of the same type or color
Start With Neutrals
When planning your outfits, you can never go wrong with neutrals. Start with these neutrals: black, white, grey or denim. When choosing whites - the brighter the white, the more contrast it will give with your skin which will pop. Add color from there!
Bold + Warm Colors
On camera, colors that are neon or bland can make skin tones look very washed out and unflattering. Try to avoid these colors. Warm and rich tones end up photographing beautifully on camera and will really compliment your hair + skin colors. Think of colors that are BRIGHT, RICH or BOLD.
Patterns + Textures
When looking for patterns, again - think BOLD. Stripes, gingham, big floral or leaf prints, etc. Adding texture to your outfit makes the biggest difference, and it prevents the images from looking dull. Combining textures that you may not normally use together like sequins + cable knit sweaters or leather + fur make great pairs!
When planning your outfits, don’t forget to plan accessories. Stacks of bangles, long necklaces, statement pieces, scarves, hats, bright shoes and other add-ons can make an outfit REALLY stand out! These items not only help your outfit look better and more put together, but it show your personality and who you are!